UX Research

My UX research proccess is very deep and transveral, using all the skills that I have under my knowledge in order to achieve an accurate investigation based on the projets needs. I stand out for the understanding that I have of users and great creative abilities. I can play any different UX Role, being noticed for my great capacity managing information and as a facilitator on Interviews Testing.


I truly enjoy being around people and generating valuable moments with them through empathy and communication. My UX Copy is potent and full of life, being able to take the way that a project can de expressed, beyond any frontier.

Visual Construction

I am really passionate about being involved in projects related with visual construction, from a website design, the searching of a client's visual identity or the visual construction of a big audiovisual project. I have the skills to bring ourselves to a imaginary that enchants and impact.

Project Coordination and Production

Expert on coordinating huge audiovisual productions, I have the capacity to face big challenges with a high compromise, being reflected on successful projects and memorable proccess for all the involved. Quintessential problem solver.

I appreciate and respect every place I have been at and each person that I have shared with, because every time we have being together is an unique place in time. Don't miss the opportunity of meeting each other y build and unforgettable moment.

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